Why Having Multifunctional Gear Keeps Your Pack Light
Lightweight backpacking can be a complex topic. Thankfully, we now have many options for lightweight gear, and the Internet is filled with advice for paring down your gear and its weight. One of the keys to lightweight backpacking is to look at everything we want to take and see if anything can be used for more than one function. This is especially important if we have a choice between two items.
When going over your packing list, ask yourself: "Could one of these items have more than one use?" Chances are, you'll be surprised by the items that can be multifunctional. Here are some examples:
Examples of Multifunctional Items
- Wind jackets are nice but they won't help if it rains - and rain is something you always need to be prepared for. A lightweight rain jacket can do double duty as a wind jacket.
- Camping pillows are comfy and lightweight - but you need a stuff sack to keep your clothes organized anyway. So why not take most of the clothes out at night, just enough to have the size pillow you find comfortable.
- You'll need a wool cap, don't you? Maybe not! A buff will serve much the same purpose and has many other uses as well! You can even use a buff as a makeshift pillowcase for your DIY clothes sack pillow.
- It's always a good idea to bring gloves with you. But if they get soaked, you can use wool socks as back up mittens.
- Trekking poles are one of the most multifunctional pieces of gear you can have. Not only will they help you avoid injury while hiking, they can also be used to support a non-freestanding tent, support a camera or phone for picture-taking, clearing the trail in front of you of webs and branches, and much more.
- Do you need a bowl and a cup? Only if you insist on drinking and eating at the same time. A lightweight, collapsible bowl like this one can serve both functions. After eating dinner, you can use a little hot water to clean it out, and then make your evening tea in it.
There are other possibilities, of course, depending on how "hard core" you want to be. But I guarantee that every ounce you leave at home will be appreciated. Do you have suggestions of multifunction clothing and equipment? We would love to hear them!
If you want to learn lots more tips and techniques of lightweight backpacking, be sure to download our FREE guide to lightweight backpacking by clicking below!
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