The Intrigue of Physically Challenging Trips

Posted: Tuesday, February 25, 2020

There’s something intriguing about an adventure trip that’s physically demanding. Have you ever read the description of a challenging trip and wondered what it was that so illusively piqued your interest? Did it sound intriguing, challenging, and a bit daunting all at the same time? These trips seem to conjure up a tantalizing combination of a promise, a challenge, and a gift.


A Promise

There’s a promise to continue to stretch ourselves in new ways, physically, mentally, and emotionally. There’s a promise that, to the extent we can, we will do our best to stay active, healthy and strong. There’s a promise to embrace nature and explore those awe-inspiring places that are not easily accessed.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience” - Eleanor Roosevelt


A Challenge

The challenge is the daunting part. There’s the challenge of preparing for a physically demanding trip. The challenge of keeping to that workout schedule we know we love when it’s a regular practice. The challenge to embrace an opportunity when it comes around, knowing how elusive the perfect timing for those opportunities can be.

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go" - T.S. Eliot


A Gift

The gifts we find are immeasurable. The gift of giving ourselves the journey, wherever it leads us and however it may end. The gift of surprising ourselves by how much we can accomplish. The gift of being in amazing places and enjoying amazing views, all the more appreciated for the effort it took to get there. The gift of friendship with women embarking on similar adventures, and for the community of support, encouragement, comfort and the laughter that follows. The gift of accomplishment. The gift of memories, of the adventure of a lifetime.

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself” - Amelia Earhart


A physically demanding trip can mean different things to different women, and can mean different things to the same woman over time. How do you know which trip is a good fitness challenge for you? Start by learning about our trip rating system. This will give you a good idea of the fitness level needed to enjoy and fully participate in our trips that are rated as they are for specific reasons. Next, read the trip itineraries carefully! These contain detailed information on mileage, elevation change, and other factors that will be relevant to you. Ask yourself, “what is it that’s so intriguing to me about this trip?”


Is there a personal promise in exploring the Rocky Mountains of Colorado this summer?

In 2021 is there an amazing challenge calling you to hike to the 'circuit' around Mont Blanc and the Chamonix? Is there a gift waiting for you at Mt. Kilimanjaro? Or, in enjoying the freedom of Slackpacking along the Appalachian Trail in Georgia

We hope the intrigue gets the best of you in the near future and that you find the perfectly tantalizing combination of a promise, a challenge, and a gift on an adventure just right for you.

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