Ecuador's Amazon Jungle

Destination: Ecuador's Amazon Jungle

| Activities: Hiking, Wildlife, Culture

The Amazon Jungle is known for its exceptional biodiversity and the peoples who have lived there for centuries. The trip starts and ends in Quito, Ecuador's capital which sits high in the Andean foothills at an altitude of 9,325 feet. From there a flight to Coca City and an hour canoe ride down the Amazon starts the adventure. You'll spend four days in the jungle learning about the flora and fauna as you walk on different trails, led by the local guide who knows the area intimately. You'll learn about the customs of the people who live there, the medicinal uses of plants, and how to use a blowpipe and fish for piranha. And even if you're not a birdwatcher now, the chance to see birds in the forest and above the forest canopy may turn you into one.

This trip can be taken as an extension of our Galapagos trip or as an amazing adventure in its own right. Group size max: 14 participants


  • Immerse yourself in the amazing biodiversity of the Amazon Jungle
  • Stay deep in the jungle, awaking to exotic bird calls
  • Learn about the customs and culture of the people who have lived here for centuries
  • Watch for birds, learn the medicinal uses of plants, and fish for piranha

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  • A dedicated local guide in the Amazon and a customer service representative in Quito. There will also be an AGC guide if the trip is full.
  • Internal flights to/from Coca City and transport by motorized canoe
  • Double occupancy lodging
  • All activities and meals as described on the itinerary
  • Gratuities for lodge staff and Amazon guides

Not included: Travel to and from Quito, alcoholic beverages, gratuities for the AGC guide, travel insurance, meals not noted on itinerary, optional activities not on the itinerary.

NOTE: Travel insurance is NOT included, but it is required for this trip.

Trip Info

Ecuador's Amazon Jungle trip is appropriate for women in good physical condition who want to spend 3 to 6 hours every day actively exploring the Amazon Jungle. None of the days are strenuous; however, the days are full, and some will involve early mornings. Please note, as in all international travel, flexibility is an absolute must and the ability to set aside our western expectations and enjoy the culture and country will make for a wonderfully enjoyable trip. Rating: 1 [2] 3 4 5

Our trip to the Amazon Jungle combines short hikes, cultural learning, and wildlife watching. All activities are at a moderate level.

We will spend two nights at the Wyndham Airport Hotel with airport shuttle service for arrival and departure convenience. In the Amazon we'll spend four nights at the Yarina Lodge, an ecolodge situated on the Napo River in the Amazon RainForest. Started 10 years ago as a program to teach the importance of conserving wildlife and our environment with the local community and located in an area of great diversity of micro-habitats, the lodge has steadily expanded its services and is part of one of best rescue centers of wildlife in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The rooms are double occupancy with ensuite bathrooms unless you have chosen a single supplement.

Below is the proposed itinerary for the trip. As is true on any adventure travel trip, plans for any specific day may be modified due to weather considerations, unforeseen circumstances, new opportunities, and group interests.

If you're just joining us, your trip starts in Quito, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Ecuador's Capital City. At over 9,000 feet, Quito is the highest capital city in the world, and it is likely you'll experience some symptoms of breathlessness as you walk around. The hotel is conveniently located near the airport and the front desk can help you organize transport into the city center if you arrive early and want to explore. You'll meet in the afternoon with the group coming from the Galapagos and a representative from our local partner for a trip orientation. We'll eat dinner tonight at the hotel as a group. (D)

Overnight: Wyndham Quito Airport Hotel or similar.
Your adventure starts with an early morning transfer to the airport for our short 30-minute flight to Coca City. You'll be greeted by our hosts from Yarina Eco Lodge, an ecolodge situated on the Napo River in the Amazon RainForest. Started 10 years ago as a program to teach the importance of conserving wildlife and the environment and located in an area of great diversity of micro-habitats, the lodge has steadily expanded its services and is part of one of best rescue centers of wildlife in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

After an hour-long ride in a motorized canoe, you'll arrive in time to settle in before lunch and an introductory briefing. Once we've had a filling lunch, we'll learn how to use a blowpipe and enjoy piranha fishing. If we're lucky, we may get to eat our catch for dinner! (B, L, D)

Overnight: Yarina Lodge
After breakfast we will take a small canoe to navigate on the Manduro river to the Sapococha Lagoon. We'll stroll around the lagoon while enjoying the sounds of birds, frogs, monkeys and other creature's of the jungle's symphony and learning about different types of aquatic plants. Then we'll canoe back to the lodge for lunch.

This afternoon we will walk on the Socali Path, a perfect introduction to learning about the different flora and fauna that is found in this section of the rainforest. You'll return in time for a little downtime before dinner and then be lulled to sleep by the soothing sounds of the jungle. (B, L, D)

Overnight: Yarina Lodge
Today and each of the following days, you'll be offered a morning and afternoon activity, with return to the lodge for lunch. You might choose to do both, just one, or neither if you'd rather relax and soak up the ambience — the choice is completely yours.

After breakfast the morning activity is a hike on the Capibara Path. Named after the small guinea pig like rodent that we are likely to see, the path traverses several swamps and you'll see palm trees that aren't possible to see any place else. After lunch and some downtime back at the lodge, in late afternoon the guides will teach you how to use a blowpipe (don't worry, you aren't allowed to shoot poisoned darts at each other). Following that you'll take a small canoe upriver to try your hand at piranha fishing. Even if successful, however, they won't be on your menu when you return to the lodge for dinner.

Overnight: Yarina Lodge (B, L, D)
There are two different hikes today that showcase different aspects of the jungle. After breakfast you don rubber boots for a canoe trip upriver. On our way the guide will point out birds, butterflies, orchids, and amphibians. You then have a short hike on the trail 'Dos Ramas' as the guide teaches you about medicinal plants, birds, and animals. After lunch at the lodge you'll set out on the Tucan trail. This trail leads to one of the tallest birdwatching towers in the Ecuadorian jungle. At the top of the tower you'll be in the jungle canopy, where you can see birds that are hard to see from the jungle floor - really an amazing experience! You'll return to the lodge for dinner and some down time.

Overnight: Yarina Lodge (B, L, D)
Today you'll learn more about the indigenous people of the Quichuas del Oriente community who have long inhabited the Amazon lowlands. You'll take the motorboat to visit one of the families who live there, and with the guide interpreting, you'll learn about the traditions and dress of the tribe. The afternoon's activity is a walk on the Guatusos trail, learning more about how some plants, animals, and birds are traditionally used. This is the last night at the lodge and it is hard not to feel some regret at leaving the jungle, after all you've seen and done.

Overnight: Yarina Lodge (B, L, D)
After a final delicious breakfast, packing up, and a short hike this morning, we'll return by canoe to Coca City for the return flight to Quito. We'll be back mid-afternoon. You can plan flights home after 5PM (B)


(19 reviews)
4.6 Food
4.8 Lodging
4.7 Safety

*These are the unfiltered reviews of women who have been on this trip in answer to the question "What made this trip special for you?". We take reviews very seriously and often tweak itineraries based on feedback. Please feel free to contact us about any questions you have.

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Jane F.
8 months ago

Very friendly group of women and the knowledge of the local guides.

Sue B.
1 year ago

Everything - the location, the guides, the lodging, the activities. Livio, the local Ecuadorian guide was wonderful. His knowledge and experience was extensive. He was friendly, inclusive, and always made sure I got the best pictures.

Laurie L.
1 year ago

The guides for this trip had a wealth of knowledge, and lots of enthusiasm to share that wealth. Very inspiring and informative.

Linda B.
1 year ago

Kathy C.
1 year ago

The AGC guide and the Amazon guides, very knowledgeable and special people.

Leslie H.
1 year ago

Our guides, Alexa and Livio, were just amazing. Their collective knowledge of the jungle, birds and insects was phenomenal. The accommodations were great.

Sue R.
2 years ago

I have always wanted to visit the Amazon Rain Forest and get an idea of how different it is from our forests in the U.S.

Bonnie S.
2 years ago

Seeing the spider monkeys come down from the trees to help themselves to the bananas the staff had set out for them. Seeing the birds - especially the hoatzin and the oro pendelo with their hanging basket nests.

Nancy S.
2 years ago

Sandra Y.
2 years ago

Yarina Lodge was just a fantastic place to spend the week! The staff couldn't have been more accommodating, the food was fabulous; 3x/per day!!! My cabin with it's own bathroom & hot water shower was so comfortable and clean. The grounds were beautiful...everything was perfect, in my view!

Judith L.
2 years ago

I liked the idea of staying in the jungle, hearing the howler monkeys in the early morning, experiencing a wild jungle thunderstorm at night, and being able to take early morning walks and/or evening canoe rides.

Elizabeth M.
5 years ago

Well planned, great local guide, enjoyed the group.

Sue Y.
5 years ago

The lodge was five star all the way. Given location, It was fabulous.

Deborah D.
5 years ago

Besides being in the Amazon itself, it was the sounds, in the evenings and early mornings

R D.
5 years ago

Our local guide was totally amazing, added extra AM bird watching and PM adventures also!

Sally F.
5 years ago

At 6 a.m. gliding along in a canoe on a small river surrounded by the jungle and its sounds. Had REALLY looked forward to seeing the fireflies. It rained and they didn't show up. Drat!

Jodi O.
5 years ago

It was a great group of women and the camaraderie on the trip was wonderful. In addition, the location-the Yarina Ecolodge- was beautiful and all of the hikes were fun and interesting. Our local guide, Livio, did a great job of sharing his culture with us and I felt like I learned so much.

Lauren O.
5 years ago

Livio was amazing

Kathleen O.
5 years ago

Very knowledgeable jungle guide taught us many unique things about living in the rainforest. (From blowing a blowpipe, pirranah fishing, using palm leaves to make hats and a backpack, night hikes and paddles, birding towers.ý

  1. Where do we eat?

    On Day 1 or Arrival Day, we will eat as a group at the hotel for dinner. On Day 2, breakfast is included at the hotel restaurant and then the rest of the meals are made and served at the Yarina Lodge.
  2. What dietary preferences or restrictions can you accommodate on this trip?

    If we know well in advance, we can accommodate vegetarian, lactose-free, and gluten-sensitive diets. We cannot guarantee a completely gluten-free diet and we cannot provide a kitchen guaranteed to be free of cross-contamination. If you are vegan, we ask that you bring some additional protein bars; and if you are gluten-sensitive, please bring some gluten-free snacks. If you have severe allergies, Celiac disease and/or other significant dietary restrictions, please call the office before you register.
  3. I will be coming by myself. Do I need to pay a single supplement?

    You only need to pay a single supplement if you want to guarantee you have your own room. Otherwise we’ll pair you up with someone and then switch roommates every time we switch lodging.